Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Web 2.0

Okay, it's 7:45 at night, I'm still at work, so naturally I selected food as my site to explore. It would be neat to try some of these to put on our website explaining how to use our different services, but I can also see lots of uses for these tools in schools and at home.


Allana said...

The link in your comment on Thing #19 worked for me. I was just able to follow the link and it took me straight to this blog post.

Susan said...

Lauran, I saw your comment about one post autosaving over another post. I'm not sure why that would happen, but I can see that your Thing #19 Apps post seems to not exist, and it sounds like it used to. The only logical explanation I can think of is that you accidentally edited a post instead of creating a new post :( As long as it doesn't happen again my reaction would probably be to write it off as "one of those things." I'm sorry you lost your post thoug.